The suburban city of Rancho Cucamonga CA has certainly changed a lot since the days when orchards and farms dominated the landscape. Today most of the city is residential, though there are some master-planned developments including office parks and shopping centers. Rancho Cucamonga CA has only officially been a city since 1977, but it quickly developed a reputation as a very good place to live and some areas have appeared on lists of the richest neighborhoods in southern California. If you are looking to create the home of your dreams in Rancho Cucamonga CA, Dave Gula Construction can help. We offer all the construction and remodeling services you could want, from design and building of custom homes to complete indoor and outdoor remodeling including kitchens, baths, room additions, pools, patios, and more. We take pride in exceeding our clients’ expectations for the quality and beauty of their finished projects, no matter how large or small the job.